Research associate position to work in the Membrane Protein Laboratory, Oxfordshire

A post-doc position is available to work in the Imperial College Membrane Protein Laboratory ( at the Diamond Light Source Synchrotron, Oxfordshire ( The Imperial College membrane protein structures group are world leaders in crystallisation and crystallography of membrane proteins. In particular, the group has a proven track record working with membrane transporters, respiratory and photosynthetic membrane protein complexes. We are looking for a post-doc to work with Dr Liz Carpenter, Dr Bernadette Byrne and Prof. So Iwata as part of the European Drug Initiative on Channels and Transporters (EDICT:, funded by the European Union framework 7

The project will involve the study of metabolite/ion transporters by X-ray crystallography and the focus of the research will be potential drug targets. The research associate will be responsible for expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray crystallographic studies on a series of targets. The Membrane Protein Laboratory at Diamond is a state-of-the-art facility for crystallization and crystallography of membrane proteins, with a fully automated Thermo Fisher crystallization system and a fluidigm microfluidics system. This post is available immediately and is funded for 35 months.

For informal enquiries please contact Dr Liz Carpenter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

For more information and an application form please follow the link below:

Please send applications and your cv to Mrs Mutsuko Grant ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) before the closing date on the 5th of August, 2008.

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