Research associate position to work in the Membrane Protein
Laboratory, Oxfordshire
A post-doc position is available to work in the Imperial College
Membrane Protein Laboratory
( at the Diamond
Light Source Synchrotron,
Oxfordshire ( The Imperial College membrane
protein structures group
are world leaders in crystallisation and crystallography of membrane
proteins. In particular, the group
has a proven track record working with membrane transporters,
respiratory and photosynthetic
membrane protein complexes. We are looking for a post-doc to work
with Dr Liz Carpenter, Dr
Bernadette Byrne and Prof. So Iwata as part of the European Drug
Initiative on Channels and
Transporters (EDICT:, funded by the
European Union framework 7
The project will involve the study of metabolite/ion transporters by
X-ray crystallography and
the focus of the research will be potential drug targets. The
research associate will be responsible
for expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray
crystallographic studies on a series of targets.
The Membrane Protein Laboratory at Diamond is a state-of-the-art
facility for crystallization and
crystallography of membrane proteins, with a fully automated Thermo
Fisher crystallization system
and a fluidigm microfluidics system. This post is available
immediately and is funded for 35 months.
For informal enquiries please contact Dr Liz Carpenter
For more information and an application form please follow the link
Please send applications and your cv to Mrs Mutsuko Grant
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) before the closing date on the 5th of
August, 2008.