Hello all! Does someone have experience in minimize energy instabilities in beamlines?
MX2, our new beamline devoted to MX experiments, are facing problems with energy drifts. As far as we could notice, theses drifts are results of the contribution from several sources - possibly electron beam movements, heating of optical elements, etc... LNLS is a 2nd generation machine with 4 straight sections available for insertion devices. MX2 is a 2T wiggler-based beamline and produces a peak flux of 10^11 photons/s. What I'd like to know, before start performing calculations, how far should I expect the heating of a non-cooled 2nd crystal affects energy? Does someone know cases of a few eVs drifts? Thanks in advance and regards, Lucas Sanfelici Physicist Brazilian Synchrotron Ligth Source- LNLS (www.lnls.br) Diagnostics Group PO Box 6192 Postal Code 13083-970 Campinas-SP Brazil Phone: +55-19-3512-1153/1152 Fax: +55-19-3512-1006 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]