There's a simple rule of thumb I have heard for predicting if spot overlap is likely to be a problem for a given beam divergence: 500 A of unit cell corresponds to 1 mr of divergence. So, for example, 250 A would be a unit cell limit for a 2 mr beam. Has anyone heard of this rule before? I heard it from someone who heard it from someone, so I have no original reference and don't know how valid it is.

There are a number of factors which influence spot overlap: beam divergence, mosaic spread of crystal, point spread function of detector, and resolution range of interest. I would love to find some references to simple estimates based on these parameters. Best I have seen so far is a paper by Sarvestani et. al. (J. Appl. Cryst. (1998) 31 899-909, but it is a detailed simulation rather than a single formula.

Richard Gillilan

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