The registration deadline for the 2008 Crystallographic Computing
School is in two weeks: *** July 25 ***

The schedule of the program including abstracts from all speakers is
available here:

This program puts a strong weight on fostering one-on-one
interactions. There will be only 16 lectures of 45 minutes
each (12 hours total) but more than 20 hours of tutorials and
demonstrations. Don't miss this unique opportunity for close
interaction with the developer community!

On behalf of the organizing committee:
A. L. Spek (Utrecht University , Netherlands)
R. Grosse-Kunstleve (LBNL, USA)
M. Yao (Hokkaido University, Japan)
A. Nakagawa (Osaka Institute of Protein, Japan)
H. Powell (MRC, UK)
L. Cranswick (NRC , Canada)

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