Thanks very much for this interesting discussion.
We should have that more often.

> Hash: SHA1
> Le 26 juin 08 à 18:49, Ethan Merritt a écrit :
>> On Thursday 26 June 2008 09:36:16 am Serge Cohen wrote:
>>> Please some one tells me if I'm wrong ... but I though that indeed  
>>> one
>>> is NOT supposed to measure anomalous difference from reflections h  
>>> and
>>> h' if those are related by one of the symmetry operator of the point
>>> group...
>> This statement is logically equivalent to what Patrick writes below.
>> You are agreeing with each other.
> Indeed I was thinking of Bernie Santarsiero mail when sending this mail.
> Bernie's mail was confusing my understanding. To quote the part I was  
> referring to :
>>>> Friedel pair is strictly F(hkl) and F(-h,-k,-l).
>>>> Bijvoet pair is F(h) and any mate that is symmetry-related to F(- 
>>>> h), e.g.,
>>>> F(hkl) and F(-h,k,-l) in monoclinic.
>>> That is in monoclinic (P 1 2 1, more precisely) , (h, k, l) and (-h,
>>> k, -l) should have the same F ... (in a determinist's world)
>> Yes, but that is not an example of h and h'.
> You mean that in P 1 2 1, h,k,l and -h,k-l are not strictly equivalent?
> In the context of my message h and h' were defined as :
>>> reflections h and
>>> h' if those are related by one of the symmetry operator of the point
>>> group
> To come back to the initial mail :
>>>>> b) A Friedel pair is any reflection h = -h including hR = -h, i.e.
>>>>>   including centric reflections.
> I find this notation confusing since (I guess) the '=' does not mean  
> the same thing in both cases :
> In the first case it means the pair (h, -h)  (or more precisely what I  
> understand it means)
> While the second really means "There is a R operator of the PG" such  
> that -h = Rh (if the first case had to be understood this way, the  
> only Friedel pair would be (0,0,0) ).
> So if I try to put this definitions of terms as I understand them:
> Friedel pair : (h, g)
> "There is a operator R of the P.G." such that -Rh = g
> Bijvoet pair : (h, g)
> "There is a operator R of the P.G." such that -Rh = g
> AND : "For all operator R of the P.G." : Rh != g
> Hope I'm getting it right ... and I'm not adding to the overall  
> confusion ;-)
> Serge.
> *******************************************************************
> Dr. Serge COHEN
> N.K.I.
> Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis (B8)
> Plesmanlaan 121
> 1066 CX Amsterdam; NL
> Tel : +31 20 512 2053
> *******************************************************************
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
> A2UAniYPecEAz5BJ/ljrQYymnGRK7Mor
> =SItL

Dr.habil. Marius Schmidt
Asst. Professor
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Physics Room 454
1900 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53211

phone: +1-414-229-4338

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