I have found that ion exchange is a good way to concentrate protein. If there is no reason that you can't pass the whole 450 mls through the column then you should do that. Another way to do this would be to add ion exchange resin straight into the 450 mls, stir for a bit, let it settle, pour off the supernatant and load the remainder into an empty column for washing and elution. I'm assuming from the wording of your email that your refolding buffer is a suitable binding buffer for the subsequent ion exchange step. Other things you might like to try are to engineer a hexahis tag onto your protein. After resolubilisation you can bind the protein to metal affinity resin in a centrifuge tube in the presence of urea, pellet the resin, remove the urea and resuspend the resin in refolding buffer. Wash a few times and elute the protein in as small a volume as you like. Another way to keep the initial volume low would be to dialyse your urea away instead of refolding by dilution. I realise that the slower pace of dialysis and the higher protein concentration might reduce your refolding efficiency but if you haven't tried it then the advantages of smaller volumes might make it worth while.

In short, if there was a way that I could avoid routinely having to use cross-flow to reduce 450 mls of buffer then I'd be pursuing that.
I hope that was helpful.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: 27 June 2008 1:28:59 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Concentrating protein
Reply-To: Exec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear All,

we have GCSF protein produced in inclusion bodies. we solubilise it refold it and then concentrate it using proflux system. still the concentration
of the protein we get is less and volume is more for us to load in Ion
exchange chromatography. is there any simple technique that can be
performed in lab without using any hi-fi instrument to concentrate the
protein in small volume of buffer. the protein we obtain is about 0.7
mg/ml and we get 450 ml solution. our column is 110ml lab scale and we
have to work in that only. i have heard of NH4SO4 precipitation. but it
requires protein conc more than 1 mg/ml.

kindly help me to progress in my experiment.

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