Hi Folks,
A post-doctoral position is available in the labs of Drs. Jay F.
Storz and Hideaki Moriyama at the University of Nebraska. The NIH-
funded research project involves an experimental investigation of
molecular adaptation. Specifically, the goal is to identify
mechanisms of hemoglobin adaptation to hypoxia in high-altitude
rodents and other vertebrates. The research will mainly involve the
use of a plasmid expression system to generate recombinant
hemoglobins for functional and crystallographic studies. The post-doc
would be working primarily in the lab of Dr. Hideaki Moriyama. The
post-doc will work in collaboration with a team of researchers with
disparate backgrounds including molecular evolution and comparative
functional genomics (Storz lab), as well as structural biology and
biochemistry (Moriyama lab). The project also involves collaborative
work with Drs. Angela Fago and Roy E. Weber at the University of
Aarhus in Denmark.
Experience with recombinant DNA methods is essential. Experience with
protein purification and methods for analyzing protein structure
would be a big plus.
If interested, please send a CV, cover letter, and contact
information for three references to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] We will
review applications as they arrive. The position could start as early
as July 2008, but the start-date is flexible. Salary will be
commensurate with experience and will include full benefits. Funding
is available for 3+ years. Please feel free to contact myself or Dr.
Jay F. Storz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with any questions.
For more information, see:
Storz Lab (www.biosci.unl.edu/labs/storz/index.html)
Moriyama Lab (http://npx001.unl.edu/welcome.html)
Hideaki Moriyama
School of Biological Sciences
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68588