This is a problem that occasionally cropped up if there were large gaps in the 
alignment between target and model.  It has been fixed in the ccp4-6.0.99d test 
release. You can either download and install the test release, or if you let me 
know what operating system you are using, I will try to create a binary for you.
Norman Stein
Daresbury Laboratory 


From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Xiang Liu
Sent: 25 June 2008 03:45
Subject: [ccp4bb] problem about Chainsaw

Dear all,

I have used chainsaw for several times and no problem happened before yesterday.
When I used it last evening, the chainsaw couldn't run as usual. I checked the 
log file and saw the error message as follow " CHAINSAW:  Chainsaw is having 
trouble reconciling input pdb with sequence ". In fact, the pdb file I used for 
model was just being downloaded for PDB database.

So I wonder what happened or what I should do to manage this problem.
ps: To do the work by chainsaw manually is terrible .
Thank you for your attention.

Xiang Liu
the third year Ph.D candidate
lab of structural biology, college of life science
Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China



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