Perhaps I should have mentioned that I'm working with an MTZ file
created from merged scalepack input... I was simply wondering I can't
seem to use sortmtz to perform the k->h, h->k, -l->l transformation and
have it merge these directly?  It doesn't seem to want to merge from a
merged file...


On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 11:21 +0100, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
> Roni Gordon wrote:
> > I have used the CCP4 program "re-index" to add a screw axis before (e.g.
> > P6 -> P61, P2 -> P21), but never to change the point group (e.g. PG4 ->
> > PG422).
> >
> > I initially re-indexing the reflections without error, but refmac5 later
> > complained that there were too many reflections for the given asymmetric
> > unit; upon closer inspection, only the space group had changed, but the
> > number of reflections had not decreased as expected.
> >
> > Am I missing something obvious here?
> >
> >
> >   
> Well - you need to merge hkl and kh-l - these are equivalent in PG 422 
> and not equivalent in PG4.
>  So you need to use pointless or sortmtz to reassign the equivalent 
> reflections - see GUI - and then run SCALA again to merge them properly..
>  Eleanor

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