Hi Paul,
How can I add Hs (hydrogens) stereochemically to protein or peptide using COOT 
without altering the coordinates of non-hydrogen atoms.
Thanks.  Sam.

> Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 15:57:46 +0100
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Coot and Hs
> Dear Roberto,
> Roberto Steiner wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> a problem possibly at the coot/mmdb interface...
> Indeed.
>> If one uploads a pdb file (from phenix.refine in the example below) 
>> that contains Hs into Coot and then writes it out (with or without any 
>> modification done on it)  Coot shifts the HG2n of THR on the right by 
>> one column space. Because column 17 is kept empty the result is three 
>> identical HG2 THR protons. 
> Technical answer:
> The current PDB parser in Coot is from mmdb and is for PDB format 
> version 2.3.  Phenix.refine and other modern programs use PDB format 
> version 3.0 [1] - released over a year ago.  PDB version 3.0 
> "Remediated" does not wrap the hydrogen (or other) names and so the 
> hydrogen name "unmangler" - which is what is tripping you up  - need not 
> be executed.  I'd like to make Coot compatible with the current PDB 
> standard.  If CCP4 were to release a version of mmdb compatible with 
> Coot, I could do that right away [2].  I'm hoping that they will do so 
> today^H^H^H^H^H soon.
>> The only solution right now (that I know of) is to remove all Hs and 
>> generate them again (molprobity for example) prior to refinement.
> Bleugh.  Non-optimal (no matter how fine Molprobity is).
> Paul.
> [1] or version 3.1?
> [2] I imagine.

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