Hi all, our library sketcher all of a sudden started acting up after working just fine.
- read in or draw a structure works fine, - Create library description - a message pops up: Error running Libcheck program see /tmp/jabendroth/7547_tmp Sorry - this means we can not list the monomers in the currently selected library - this file is shown below - if the warning message is dismissed, all the fields in the create library window are populated, hit run Error: can't read "monomer_lib(typelist): no such variable - the same happens on various computers and for different users Any ideas? Thanks a lot! Jan tmp file ##################################################### --- LIBCHECK --- /Vers 4.1.3 ; 19.12.2002/ Do you want to have FILE-DOCUMENT /libcheck.doc/ ? /<N>/Y/A : N - means without DOC-file Y - with new contents A - means to keep old contents and add new information with DOC-file program creates batch file: libcheck.bat _DOC: # # Keywords: # #FILE_L: < > - additional library, " " means without this file #MON: < > - give info about this monomer # if = * , give list all monomers in the library #FILE_PDB: < > - input PDB_file ," " means without this file #FILE_SMILE: < > - input SMILE_file ," " means without this fil e # use keyword MON as compound_id #FILE_CIF: < > - input CIFile ," " means without this file #FILE_CSD: < > - input CSD CIFile," " means without this file #HFLAG: <Y>/A/N - Y - hydrogen atoms where they are # A - with all hydrogen atoms # N - without hydrogen atoms #IND: <N>/Y - Y - create index of mon_lib.cif # output file: "new_mon_lib_ind.cif" #FILE_O: <libcheck > - output files /library,coords,ps/, name without # extention #FILE_L2: < > - additional library (FILE_L) will be added to this library # in this case program performs only adding #ANGLE: <0.0> - rotation angle for picture ( around X ) #LIST: <M>/S/L - S short output, L - long, M - medium #REF: <Y>/S,N,0 - 0 no refinement of new monomer # N only crd->ang and ang->crd # S plus torsion ref, Y plus restr.ref # #TEST: <0> - for program testing only #COOR: <N>/Y - use Vobs from coords instead Videal #LCOOR: <Y>/N - Y use coords from lib description #NODIST: <N>/Y - Y not read the distributed library # (only with FILE_L) #SRCH: <N>/Y/0 - Y - global search, 0 - for MON from PDB_file # (only with NODIST = N) #--- type "keyword parameters" and/or --- #--- press key "CR" to run program --- --> --> MON : * ------------- ------------- Keywords: HFLAG : Y COOR : N LCOOR : Y SRCH : N REF : Y NODIST: N ------------------------------ --- LIBRARY OF MONOMERS --- _lib_name mon_lib _lib_version 4.12 _lib_update 20/09/07 ------------------------------ NUMBER OF MONOMERS IN THE LIBRARY : 2436 with complete description : 454 NUMBER OF MODIFICATIONS : 47 NUMBER OF LINKS : 64 ERROR: in LIB_CREATE_INDEX2: not memory enough: <B><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><!--SUMMARY_BEGIN--> CCP4: Fatal error, see above. </pre> </html> <!--SUMMARY_END--></FONT></B>