For those interested in the history of Crystallographic Computing,
the 1983 Crystallographic Computing School, organised by Prof. Sydney
Hall and Prof. Tamaichi Ashida, was held in Kyoto, Japan at the same
site as the upcoming IUCr Crystallographic Computing School: the Kansai
Seminar House.

Thanks to Prof Atsushi Nakagawa, pictures of that 1983 Computing School
are now on the IUCr Computing Commission website at:

Many "young" faces can be seen in the album. The album includes not only
the School itself but also the excursion to Nara and the Institute for
Protein Research at Osaka University.

Information, including program and registration on the upcoming IUCr
Crystallographic Computing School 2008 * Sharing our knowledge * Kyoto,
Japan, August 18-23 - is available on the school webpage:

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