Hello John,

with Debian and therefore probably also Ubuntu, bltwish is placed within a library.

You can install the package blt, but than you have to modify the scripts in $CCP4/ccp4i/bin

Try the following:
        cd $CCP4/ccp4i/bin
        grep -l bltwish *
then edit each file that 'grep' lists and replace 'bltwish' with 'wish'. That's worked for me.

As for coot, the script that starts coot (type 'which coot' to find out the full path) uses the variables COOT_PREFIX and current_exe_dir.

The top of the coot-script looks something like

current_exe_dir=`dirname $0`
echo current_exe_dir is $current_exe_dir

if [ $current_exe_dir = . ] ; then
  COOT_PREFIX=`dirname $PWD`
  COOT_PREFIX=`dirname "$current_exe_dir"`

These lines don't work if the coot-script is placed e.g. in /usr/local/bin (at least they don't for me)

remove all those lines and replace them with
that should hopefully work.

Hope this helps, Tim

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Tue, 10 Jun 2008, john kryst wrote:

Dear Tim,

Thanks for your reply... i tried installing using RH8 binaries.. that
complained about bltwish.. then i tried using the bil's deb package.. but
that also doesnt seems to be working... when i sourced the ccp4.setup file
and tried the command line... no luck...

when i try coot ubuntu-0.6.1 binary... it complains that coo-real command
not found and guile not found.. in fact i tried putting set path to check
but no luck..

I hope i wrote it clear

I am a newbie to linux.. pls bare with me if i am asking you very silly


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Tim Gruene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That sounds as though you have problems installing ccp4. Can you specify
- If you use the precompiled version of ccp4, it should run on 64bit
- if you compiled from source, there should be no problems at
 all. What you do need, though, is a number of developer packages so the
 header files and libraries required for compilation are found. I
 don't know if there is a comprehensive list of developer packages you
 need for compilation


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Tue, 10 Jun 2008, john kryst wrote:

 Hi all !!

    Sorry for the off topic question. Has anyone tried installing CCP4 and
coot in Ubuntu Heran Hardy 64 bit... I have been googling and tried the
suggestions of Bill & Martyn's page... but no success with the amd 64 bit
machine.. all the instructions  i get are for 32bit machines..  Please
me out...

Thanks a lot for your time


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