In my experience it is still possible to do so, but that rather
depends from where you are flying. From my own experience it is always
good to contact the airport in question well in advance, partly to
check with them that it is ok, partly to let them know when you intend
to fly. This tends to work well with airports in Sweden, but less well
in other countries. I know of one occasion when a dewar was stopped on
Schiphol, Netherlands, even though it had gone through security (the
captain of the airplane said no..). Bringing it back home from ESRF
(eg flying from Lyon) rarely poses any trouble, they seem to be used
to dewars.
On May 27, 2008, at 2:28 PM, Clemens Grimm wrote:
Dear all,
I wonder if it would be still/again possible to check in a dry
shipper for a
flight inside Europe. What is your experience?