imgCIF/CBF is a format for image data, such as synchrotron diffraction images. CBFlib is a software package supporting the imgCIF/CBF format. For background information, see Hall and McMahon, International Tables for Crystallography, Volume G, Definition and exchange of crystallographic data, IUCr, Springer, 2008, Dordrecht, NL, esp. chapters 2.3, 3.7, 4.6 and 5.6.
The CBFlib package available from is an open source package covered by the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). The CBFlib Applications Programming Interface (API) is also covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), which is also know as the GNU Library Public License. Effective immediately, all functions, methods, subroutines and procedures in the CBFlib package will be considered to be part of the API and to be covered by the LGPL as an alternative to the GPL that covers everything in the CBFlib package. This change results from the discussions at the 22 May 2008 workshop at BNL to help make detector vendors and others with proprietary software more comfortable in using the CBFlib package. Thanks to Teemu Ikonen, since February 2008 CBFlib is a debian package and you may link to the functions in the CBFlib package from a proprietary program just as you may link to glibc or to the trigonometry functions in the libm math library. Use it in good health. -- Herbert J. Bernstein -- ===================================================== Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121 Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769 +1-631-244-3035 [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====================================================