Please see below for details or follow this link.
Job Reference & Title    DIA0408/SB - Life Sciences Co-ordinator        
Type of post     Scientific     
Post details     Permanent / full time  
Division         Science Division       
Salary information       Circa £60k     
Application deadline     13th June 2008 
Date of interviews       Early August 2008      
Diamond Light Source is a new synchrotron and a leading scientific facility of 
its type in the world. Located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in 
South Oxfordshire, we will host research facilities supporting cutting edge 
research in all fields of science.

To assist in the management, co-ordination, support and development of 
delegated responsibilities and activities within Life Sciences.

To be responsible for the: 

*       Management of assigned resources e.g. budgets, teams, activities; 
*       Preparation of operational and annual scientific reports; 
*       Assistance to the Life Science Directors as required; 
*       Representation of Life Sciences requirements by attendance at meetings 
as required; 
*       Coordination of the beamline design, construction and operation in 
Life/Physical Sciences; 
*       Organisation of committees within the Scientific Division; 
*       Liaison with the Technical Division in relation to Life Sciences 
requirements including attendance at the TDCC; 
*       Organisation of the beamline review meetings in Life Sciences; 
*       Leading of new initiatives in instrumentation development in Life 
*       Pursuit of own world-class research programme using synchrotron 
*       Assistance in coordination of the science programme within Life 
*       Representation of Diamond at both national and international scientific 
meetings as appropriate.

Qualifications and Experience: Essential        

*       Appropriate PhD degree or equivalent qualification; 
*       Ability and initiative to get to the heart of the problem and take it 
effectively through to completion; 
*       Excellent interpersonal, communication and presentation skills; 
*       Ability to interact effectively with staff and users at all levels; 
*       Self motivated; 
*       Ability to lead multi-disciplinary teams across a number of sites; 
*       Must be able to travel within the UK and overseas including overnight 
*       Significant scientific achievement in the Life Sciences at 
international level; 
*       Substantial experience of synchrotron radiation research and beam line 
design and delivering an excellent service to users; 
*       Knowledge of overseas synchrotron radiation facilities; 
*       Demonstrated relevant leadership and line management experience of a 
synchrotron related project; 
*       Ability to encourage teamwork and innovation within the division; 
*       Ability to promote science and to communicate with other experts and 
the wider public. 

Qualifications and Experience: Desirable        

*       Good knowledge of the UK scientific community with the ability to 
inspire their confidence and represent Diamond to them; 
*       Experience of working with UK funding agencies with the ability to work 
to deadlines and within funding constraints.

Circa £60k      
Further Information     

*       Must be able to travel within the UK and overseas including overnight 

Applying for employment 
For further details on applying for employment at Diamond, please visit our

'Application Form' 
<>  page.

Dr Gwyndaf Evans
Principal Beamline Scientist
Microfocus Macromolecular Crystallography
Diamond Light Source, UK.
Tel: +44-1235-778164                               Fax: +44-1235-778448
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Internet: <> 
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