Dear All
I ahve sent this to Andrew, but hesitate to `post' a pdf to the CCP4 BB.
Just e-mail me direct if you would like it and I will e-mail it to you.
Best wishes

To the CCP4 community,
I believe I have identified 2 appropriate citations for the use of cryocooling to mitigate the effects of radiation damage during a diffraction experiment. The first study is one that I have access to: Low, B. W., Chen, C. C., Berger, J. E., Singman, L. & Pletcher, J. F. (1966). Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 56, 1746–1750.
The second study is one that I cannot find text for:
Blake, C. F. F. & Phillips, D. C. (1962). Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation at the Molecular Level, pp. 183–191. Vienna: IAEA. Could someone point me in the right direction to find this text? Alternatively, are there other citations that people use for the general use of cryocooling crystals in X-ray crystallography?
Thank you for your time,
-Andy Torelli

 Dr. Elspeth F. Garman,
 Reader in Molecular Biophysics, University of Oxford
 Visiting Professor in Chemistry, University of Durham
 Postal address:
 Department of Biochemistry,
 Rex Richards Building,
 University of Oxford,              Tel: (44)-1865-275398
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