I haven't read all of these submissions. Are we talking about UV illumination to create visible light? The work we intend to emulate is this: From Cipriani and Bourgeois's groups in Grenoble -- Acta Cryst. (2006). D62, 253-261. UV laser-excited fluorescence as a tool for the visualization of protein crystals mounted in loops.

The 266nm light from a laser diode stimulates blue light from W residues.


On Fri, 16 May 2008, James Holton wrote:

It is not the light source that is expen$ive, but rather the microscope optics and the camera.

Standard optical glass has a fairly high absorption in the UV. In most cases you can replace the glass with quartz by addig a "0" to the end of the price (before the decimal point). The camera is also a consideration because most CCD cameras are not very sensitive in the UV. If memory serves, Hamamatsu makes the UV sensitive camera for the Karima microscope, and that camera is a significant fraction of the price of the instrument.

You can always compensate for cheap optics by using a brighter light source, but it is important to remember that UV is not just bad for your skin and eyes, but for other proteins as well.


Li Zhijie wrote:

You may want to have a look at the UV LEDs, which should be the cheapest option if you only need a specific wavelenth.

I found this on google: http://www.3dzled.com/other.html. It seems that they can make 280nM LEDs. It is interesting to note that they also said these LEDs' "Wavelength tolerance is usually within +/- 5 nm. For example 254 nm would be 249 nm to 259 nm and 415 nm would be 410 nm to 415 nm or 415 nm to 420 nm" - apparently not as pure as those generated by monochrometers, but should be good enough for quatitating protein or exciting some fluorophores. I wonder if the microscope makers would ever consider using these instead of those multi-thousand $ light sources.

One more thing: do not forget that 280nm UV is extremely harmful to human eyes and skin.

Zhijie Li

----- Original Message ----- From: "Torres-Larios Alfredo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 7:59 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] UV light source for protein xtal detection

Dear all,

Here's another non CCP4 question: does anyone know a cheap alternative to set up a UV source at 280 nm? I'd really like to have one :), but I really don't have the $20K Dlls needed to buy a UV/white light source from the crystallographic vendors :(.

Thanks so much in advance for your answers, Alfredo.

Alfredo Torres-Larios, PhD
Assistant Professor
Instituto de Fisiologia Celular, UNAM.
Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico

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