Dear CCP4bb,

 Sorry for the non-CCP4 related question.

    I am running HKL2000 (ver 0.98.698m) on an iMac (OSX 10.5). On starting
up the software the following message is displayed:-

"Total amount of memory found: 2041 MB (required by HKL-2000; 256 MB)

Could not check system resources

Please run commands:
uname -a
[HKLPATH]/hklsysinfo M memory
[HKLPATH]/hklsysinfo M swap
[HKLPATH]/hklsysinfo M memory limit

Error: swap amount not valid"

( On running the above commands and the output is:
i) uname -a: Darwin balvinder-dhaliwals-imac.loca 9.0.0 Darwin Kernel
Version 9.0.0: Thu Oct 11 19:23:39 PDT 2007; root:xnu-1228~3/RELEASE_I386

ii) HKLPATH]/hklsysinfo M memory: Total: 2036.23 Used: 703.352 Free: 1312.78

iii) [HKLPATH]/hklsysinfo M swap: error: An error has occured while getting
swap info

iv) [HKLPATH]/hklsysinfo M memory limit: error: Unlimited datasize, but
unable to get physical limits
error: An error has occured while getting memory info ).

   For the most part, HKL2000 runs well; I am able to display my images,
peak search, process data, scale data, etc, etc. However, when I try to open
up a 'zoom window' in XDisplayF, HKL2000 crashes.
   Unlimiting the memoryuse, stacksize and datasize was ineffective.
Increasing the swap space was also unsuccessful.

  My question is: Do I need to allocate more virtual memory or does the
problem lie elsewhere?

                                                        Balvinder Dhaliwal
                   (Randall Division of Cell & Molecular Biophysics, King's
College London).

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