On 7 May 2008, at 13:32, Andreas Förster wrote:

a colleague is running ccp4 6.0.2 on a MacBook with Timid Tiger. Built-in Scala is 3.2.25. Because of a bug, he wants to upgrade Scala. Running Scala 3.3.2-beta5 or 3.2.34 (phil's binaries) fails because gcc shared libraries are missing.

I ran into exactly the same problem. After wasting plenty of time trying to to get gcc4.0 and gcc43 to coexist happily, I tried another tack. I edited the ccp4.info file (in /sw/fink/10.4/unstable/main/ finkinfo/sci) to download the scala_3.2.34 source code and unpack it over the top of the rest of the source. I'm fairly sure that you're *not* supposed to do it this way, but it worked and I haven't had any complaints that the newer version of scala is broken.

If you'd like me to send you the edited ccp4.info file or executable, I'd be happy to do so. I don't want to put them on ccp4, because they're so bodged that they'll probably cause more harm than good in the wild.


Dr Chris Richardson - sysadmin, Structural Biology Section, icr.ac.uk

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