PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Ninth International School on the Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules Como (Italy), 29th September 3rd October 2008 <> ORGANIZERS Keith Wilson (York University, UK) Derek Logan (Lund University, Sweden) Marjolein Thunnissen (Lund University, Sweden) PRINCIPAL FUNDING EU Network MAX-INF2 (contract RICA-CT-2004-505977) PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME AND REGISTRATION The meeting will last from lunchtime Monday September 29th, 2008, to lunchtime on Friday October 3rd. Programme and registration will be announced end of April, but mark your diaries now! Depending on the extent of financing, a limited number of Ph.D. students may be eligible for subsidy. Those wishing to apply for such subsidy will be asked to submit a short CV and motivation at the time of application. PURPOSE AND ORGANIZATION OF THE SCHOOL The school will be open to a maximum of 200 participants and will focus on the application of X-ray crystallographic methods to the study of proteins and nucleic acids, with emphasis on the latest developments. The program will include lectures on protein expression and purification, crystallization, data collection and processing, synchrotrons, phasing (MAD/SAD and molecular replacement), phase improvement, model building, refinement, analysis and validation of structural data. These methods sections will be complemented with seminars about new structures. Several contributions will come from participants who are encouraged to propose a title for a poster or oral contribution in their application. LOCATION The school will be held at Società del Casino, Como, Italy. (, which is located literally in the centre of Como, next to the cathedral. Como can be reached comfortably by train (30-40 min. from Milan; 3-4 hours from Zurich and Basel) or by car via the A9-E36 motorway. INVITED LECTURERS INCLUDE Imre Berger (EMBL Grenoble), Ian Berry (Oxford University), Gleb Bourenkov (EMBL Hamburg), Dominique Bourgeois (ESRF), Marek Brzozowski (York University), Martin Caffrey (University of Limerick), Liz Carpenter (Diamond Light Source), Kevin Cowtan (York University), Zbigniew Dauter (Argonne National Laboratory), Simon Davis (Oxford University), Valeria de Marco (NKI, Amsterdam), Hans Eklund (Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala), Paul Emsley (Oxford University), Robert Esnouf (Oxford University), Stephen Graham (Oxford University), Tim Grüne (Göttingen University), Udo Heinemann (PSF Berlin), Michael Hennig (Hoffmann laRoche), Mariusz Jáskolski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan), Wolfgang Kabsch (MPI Heidelberg), Claude Lecomte (Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy), Andrew Leslie (MRC LMB, Cambridge), Natalia Markova (iNovacia, Stockholm), Garib Murshudov (York University), Frank Niesen (SGC Oxford), Poul Nissen (Århus University), Santosh Panjikar (EMBL Hamburg), Navraj Pannu (Leiden University), Chris Phillips (Pfizer), Simon Phillips (Leeds University), Marc Ruff (IGBMC, Strasbourg), Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson (Umeå University), Gebhard Schertler (MRC LMB, Cambridge), Clemens Schulze-Briese (SLS, Villigen), Irmgard Sinning (Heidelberg University), Bente Vestergaard (Copenhagen University), Gert Vriend (Nijmegen University), Martin Walsh (MRC France, ESRF), Martyn Winn (STFC Daresbury Lab)