

Recent PyMOL versions can do a structure-based (sequence-independent) 
superposition as follows:


load protein1.pdb

load protein2.pdb

super protein1////CA, protein2////CA


The per-residue alignment can also be visualized in 1D and 3D as follows:


super protein1////CA, protein2////CA, object=alignment

set seq_view






From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of conancao
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 6:11 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Need help for supperimpose 2 homologous molecules


Dear all:
        I have problem to supperimpose 2 homologous proteins(only one subunit 
is homologous) in coot.Could anybody give suggestion either using coot or other 
easily availabe software to superimpose homologous structures(pdb) and give a 
finial superimposed pdb or picture. Thank you.
Hongnan Cao
Biochem Department
University of California at Riverside


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