>In collagen a hydroxyl group is bonded to the CD atom of the prolyl ring to
>give an R configuration.
>[IUPAC: (2S,4R)-4-hydroxypyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid]

>The monomer dictionary file HYP.cif incorrectly specifies the S
>configuration about the CD atom.

I've written CD where I should say CG in the above.


From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Peter Brick
Sent: Fri 04/04/2008 18:24
Subject: [ccp4bb] Error in configuration of hydroxyproline in HYP.cif

Dear All,

My colleague Erhard Hohenester has noticed that there is an error in the cif
definition file for hydroxyproline distributed with CCP4 version 6.02 and
used by Refmac, Coot (and Phenix).

In collagen a hydroxyl group is bonded to the CD atom of the prolyl ring to
give an R configuration.
[IUPAC: (2S,4R)-4-hydroxypyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid]

The monomer dictionary file HYP.cif incorrectly specifies the S
configuration about the CD atom.

In HYP.cif the chirality is specified by the sign of the chiral volume
formed by a scalar triple product:

 HYP      chir_01  CA     N      CB     C         negativ
 HYP      chir_02  CG     CB     OD     CD        positiv

The second line should be:
 HYP      chir_02  CG     CB     OD     CD        negativ

Alternatively, one could change the atom order.


Peter Brick,
Division of Cell and Molecular Biology,
Blackett Laboratory,  Imperial College,
Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BW, UK
Tel: 020-7594-7704  Fax: 020-7589-0191

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