Dear Rene

I have used a company called Imaage in Australia for engraving proteins in glass blocks. Their web address is

I send them VRML output from MOLSCRIPT and that usually works fine. You need to generate the image in a single color (black), though you can use a second color if you want them to map that to a different dot density of laser etching.


Mike Lawrence, PhD

WEHI Principal Research Fellow
Division of Structural Biology
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
1G Royal Parade, Parkville
Victoria 3050, AUSTRALIA

Tel. 61-3-9345-2693
Fax 61-3-9345-2686

On 03/04/2008, at 6:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

Anyone know about how to transfer a 3D image (ligand + protein surface) into a format that would be compatible for 3D laser engraving in plexiglass.

I am aware of a few cies that can provide the final product (see below) but we are looking for file format information

Luminorum (UK)
Crystal Protein (California)
Molecular dimension (UK and USA)

Any others?


Rene Coulombe
Research Scientist, Chemistry
Structural Research Group
Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd; R&D
2100, rue Cunard, Laval (Quebec) Canada  H7S 2G5
tel 450 682-4640 fax 450 682-4642

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