I also thought the problem was using the Terminal window and not the X11 window, but, interestingly, typing ccp4i in a Terminal window, not an X11 window does work.
X11 does need to be installed and running, -- that could be the problem.

(Caveat, this is in 10.4, not 10.5 - I have 10.5 but haven't installed it yet because of the coot discussions)


On Mar 25, 2008, at 8:37 AM, Anastassis Perrakis wrote:
Hi -

You need to add to your .chrc, or type in an ***X11*** window (and not in the Terminal).

source /usr/local/ccp4-6.0.2//bin/ccp4.setup-csh

then it will work.

it does not really install a real application in the OSX sense.


On Mar 25, 2008, at 15:47, Kurt Padilla wrote:


Thanks for your advice. I intend to give it a try in the next few days. Hopefully, I will have some positive results to share.


I tried using the binary from the link you provided, but I was unable to get the program to run even though Installer said that the installation was successful. I don't remember the details, but the installation did not produce an executable .app file and typing ccp4i into Terminal didn't launch the program either.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Anastassis Perrakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi -

I am sure that its not a fink problem really, but why not try the
CCP4 distribution?



On Mar 22, 2008, at 5:34, Kurt Padilla wrote:

> Hello,
> When I click on 'Apply' in the Directories & Project Directory
> window, I get the following error:
> ERROR saving parameters to file /Users/Kat/.CCP4/unix/ directories.def
> Has anyone else encountered this error? I installed CCP4 on a
> MacBook Pro running Leopard using fink. This error always occurs,
> except in one mysterious instance today, but only to hang in
> refmac. I checked, but there is no .CCP4 folder in '/Users/Kat/'.
> When I tried to create one myself, OS X wouldn't allow me to do so
> according to some rule that folder names can't begin with periods.
> I am getting the impression that CCP4 is buggy on OS X. Any
> information on avoiding these problems and getting CCP4 to work?
> Thank You,
> Kurt Padilla
> on the behalf of:
> Kathleen Frey
> Amy Anderson Lab
> Dept. of Pharmaceutical Science
> University of Connecticut

Sue Roberts
Biochemistry & Biophysics
University of Arizona


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