Hello all, I apologize for this slightly off topic structural genomics kind of question(s).
The number of structures deposited in the PDB is increasing, the number of groups doing structural work is also increasing. Given these two scenarios - how much has efficiency increased? We know average quality has not improved :-) Question posed in a different way - One experienced crystallographer is being supplied with crystals of proteins - how many can one solve in a year (40 hour weeks, with 5 week holidays). Assumptions: 1. The average size of the protein is 250 amino acids. 2. All are MAD structures with Se-Met readily available 3. Beam time is not bottle neck. 4. Average resolution 2.3-2.5 (so, there are some at 3.0 and some at 1.5A resolution). May be some of the SG groups or PX beamlines have already computed numbers like these. I would appreciate if they are shared with me (along with the assumptions that have gone into the calculations). Thanks. Rams. S. Ramaswamy. Department of Biochemistry University of Iowa.