
The way I cope with this is by using synchronisation between directories (folders) on the two computers. In my case both are running linux, and the program Unison provides a simple tool to synchronise. If you make sure the projects have the same name on the two computers, the cpp4 database files copy over ok, and the interface copes ok. I am sure this method is easy to break, so be careful trying it out!


P.J.Briggs wrote:
Hi Derek

There's not really any way of doing what you're asking at present. If
merging utility would be useful to others then I would be prepared to
look into providing one, although there are a bunch of fiddly issues to
deal with (e.g. keeping dates consistent, handling file name clashes and
so on).

Do any other readers of this list want to comment?

Best wishes


Derek Logan wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've been working on a project using CCP4i on two separate computers in
parallel and now unfortunately have jobs spread over the two locations.
I would now like to consolidate these. Some of the new jobs on one
computer will have the same run number as different ones on the other.
Is there any convenient way to merge the projects? I guess the answer is
no, or else the question would have been asked and answered already ;-)


Derek Logan             tel: +46 46 222 1443

Molecular Biophysics fax: +46 46 222 4692
Lund University         mob: +46 76 8585 707

Box 124, Lund, Sweden

Dr. Johan P. Turkenburg                     X-ray facilities manager
York Structural Biology Laboratory      
University of York                          Phone (+) 44 1904 328251
York YO10 5DD   UK                          Fax   (+) 44 1904 328266

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