Dear All,
      I have post a similar question about CNS and refmac before, now in
another structure I met a similar problem. I have an almost finished
structure, the Rfree of which
is about 0.28 by refmac. Then I used phenix to refine it, below is the
REMARK Start: r_work = 0.1970 r_free = 0.2892 bonds = 0.006 angles = 1.213
REMARK Final: r_work = 0.1917 r_free = 0.2617 bonds = 0.008 angles = 1.374
    Since the map from phenix couldnot be opened by coot directly--or I
donnot know how to--I used refmac to get a mtz map file. But I found that at
the first several cycle of
refmac the Rfree decreased, then both the R and Rfree values  continued
increasing and FOM decreasing.
     The best R/Rfree/FOM during the refinement is

Overall R factor                     =     0.1932
Free R factor                        =     0.2513
Overall figure of merit              =     0.8168
     And after 40 cycles the final result is:
Overall R factor                     =     0.2008
Free R factor                        =     0.2772
Overall figure of merit              =     0.7902
    The values looks like keep going up if increase the cycles. Then which
value should I take as the final result? The phenix or the best Refmac
result or  I have to take  a converged
value from refmac?

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