On Thursday 28 February 2008 19:54, Sun Tang wrote:
> Dear All,
>   In my structures, I want to assign Mn or Ca ions for some densities. 
>   But when I did not have  anomalous density in CCP4i. 
>   I collected the data at the wavelength of 1 A. 

Mn has only about 1e of anomalous scattering (f") power at 1A.
Ca has essentially 0.
So you should not expect to see any peaks in your map.

>   Do I need to adjust the wavelength to maximize the anomalous signal from Mn 
> or Ca? 

To distinguish between them you would need to select an X-ray energy
between their respective K-absorption edges.
You can use the X-ray Anomalous Scattering server to help you:

This will tell you that you would need an X-ray energy less than the Mn K-edge
at  6.5390 keV   (1.8961 Angstrom)

>   I am not sure whether I was correct. The following was what I did:  
>   I processed the data with HKL2000 and select anomalous signal in scaling. 
> In CCP4i, I selected "Run FFT-Creat Map" in the "Map& Mask Utilities". I 
> select "O format to cover asymmetric unit" and "Plot section on Z axis from 0 
> to 1 in steps on 10". All others were by default values. I display in ono10.
>   I collected the data at the wavelength of 1 A. Do I need to adjust the 
> wavelength to maximize the anomalous signal from Mn or Ca?
>   Any ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
>   Sun Tang

Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center
University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

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