Firstly - please forgive my last 'blank' message - comes of trying to
e-mail whilst travelling on a train!

I would suggest that you change the affinity tag that you're purifying
with.  Go with either a GST or Strep-tag.  That way you are avoiding the
imidazole that is obviously causing problems with your particular
protein.  Of course you should also try all the other excellent
suggestions; for what it's worth my favourite buffer is Hepes...

I would also try other kinds of IMAC resin, such as Talon, where the
coordination of the bound metal is much tighter - and where the metal is
not Nickel.  I've had problems previously with metal leaching into my
protein, causing precipitation and aggregation.

Good luck.


Dr Antony W Oliver
Cancer Research UK: DNA Repair Enzymes Group
Section of Structural Biology
The Institute of Cancer Research
237 Fulham Road

020 7153 5488

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