The protocol (ftp://)from the link is wrong, ftp is not supported by the
esrf site (which one is told when actually ftp'ing there. Try, it works for me
Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen
On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, Andreas Förster wrote:
Juergen Bosch and Ben Eisenbraun were quick to forward my request to Dave
Gohara who's at WUSTL now. Dave was equally quick in pointing out that a
universal binary of the USB-to-serial driver resides on his homepage
( in the Software -> Crystallography and EM Binaries
section. Thank you!
All it takes is installing the driver, rebooting, and plugging the adapter
and dials in. Now I just have to find out which programs will actually take
orders from dials.
Hey all,
I've been trying to get SGI dials to work with a MacBook Pro running
Leopard. I can't get my digitus USB-to-serial adaptor to work. The
supplied driver is PPC only. As the chip is from Prolific, I tried the
driver from sbgrid (David Gohara's work). That also seems to be PPC only.
I tried to contact David Gohara directly, but he doesn't appear to be at
Harvard anymore. Does anyone have dials working with a Leopard Intel
Mac and would like to let me in on the secret?
I should probably be using a PowerMate, but the dials were lying around
collecting dust. I thought I might give them a second lease on life.