Forwarded on behalf of Lachlan Cranswick. --dvd
---------- Forwarded message ---------- 2008 Kyoto IUCr Crystallographic Computing School - Sharing our knowledge (preliminary announcement) Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan Monday 18th - Saturday 23rd August 2008 (just prior to the Osaka IUCr 2008 congress) School Organisers: Prof Anthony Spek (Utrecht), Prof. Min Yao (Sapporo), Dr Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve (Berkeley), Dr Harry Powell (Cambridge), Prof. Atsushi Nakagawa (Osaka), Lachlan Cranswick (Chalk River) ----------------------- Introduction: During the first conference on crystallographic computing held at the Pennsylvania State College, USA in 1950, Ray Pepinsky's noted that solving the major computing problems would 'require many minds. Our aim here is to share what we know - to cross-pollinate our minds.' School Aims: To have the crystallographic computing experts of the present, help train and inspire a generation of experts for the future. This will be achieved by the use of an excellent (and full) program of lectures and tutorials. Speakers are listed at: ----------------------- The Venue The 2008 Crystallographic Computing School will be held at the Kansai Seminar house; at the town of Kyoto. The 2008 Crystallographic Computing School will be held at the Kansai Seminar house in Kyoto. Kyoto is the cultural center of Japan with its long history. The modern city treasures its heritage with its 1600 Buddhist temples, 400 Shinto shrines, and its exquisite gardens. Kyoto is also a center of Japanese tradition. The Kansai Seminar House The Kansai Seminar House was originally derived from movement initiated in Germany by the Christian Churches soon after World War II. The influence reached Japan in the 1960's and the Kansai Seminar House was founded in Shugakuin, Kyoto in 1967. Contributions came from the Christian Academy Movement of Germany, churches affiliated with NCC-USA, and Japan. ----------------------- Costs (and accomodation) We hope, pending completion of sponsorship contributions, that we may be able to keep the entire costs for participants (including accommodation and meals) below the equivalent of 500 Euros. ----------------------- Existing sponsors are listed on the webpage and currently include: IUCr2008 Osaka and International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre: Hampton Research: Rigaku: ----------------------- Promotional Poster: (please feel free to print this out and pin up on your department notice-board) -----------------------