GPCR Structural Biology Postdoctoral Position Openings

We have several openings for postdoctoral fellows in the area of GPCR 
structural biology in the Kuhn-Stevens Laboratory at The Scripps Research 
Institute.  With the recent structure determination of the human beta2 
adrenergic receptor (Cherezov et al; Rosenbaum et al, Science 2007), we are now 
interested in studying other G-protein coupled receptors as well as focus on 
the mechanistic details of a single G-protein signal transduction system.   The 
Kuhn-Stevens laboratory is well equipped with cutting edge technologies in the 
areas of membrane protein expression, stabilization, and crystallization.  
Applicants interested in the biology, biochemistry and/or structural biology of 
this family of membrane proteins are encouraged to apply.  Interested 
applicants should send their CV, statement of research interest, and 3 letters 
of reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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