On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 06:28:58PM +0100, Anita Bentley wrote:
> I have recently installed CCP4 6.0.2 on a Mac G5 running (still)  
> under OS 10.4. So far it was running OK - until tonight.
> When using superposition programmes (TOPP or Superpose) via the CCP4i  
> I get the following message:
> " Information from CCP4Interface script
> ************************************************************************ 
> ***
> The program run with command: topp
> has failed with error message
> Last system error message: No such file or directory
>  TOP:   Open failed: File:  /Users/anita/work/Integ/models/ASVcc.pdb "
>  The file exists and I can run e.g. coordconv on it.

This could be a known problem.  From:


"Topp claims it cannot find the input files corresponding to keywords
MOL1 and MOL2, even though the files exist.

This can be fixed by applying the patch topp.f-r1.16.2.5-r1.16.2.6.diff
(also available from ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4/6.0.2/patches) to
$CCP4/src/topp_/topp.f and remaking topp."


Ben Eisenbraun
Structural Biology Grid

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