Dear SLS users,

     Call for Proposals: SLS PX Beamlines


     Call is open for proposals for the following

     crystallography beamlines of the Swiss Light

     Source, SLS:

     PXI   (X06SA)

     PXII  (X10SA)

     PXIII (X06DA)



     May 1, 2008 - August 31, 2008 (normal, test)

     May 1, 2008 - April  30, 2010 (long term)



     for submission is Friday, February 15, 2008.



     All submissions will be handled by the SLS Digital Users

     Office DUO (


     Notes (please read):


     a) beamline PXII is reserved for MPG users. Other academic

        users are therefore asked to submit proposals for PXI

        or PXIII.

     b) beamline PXIII is a new beamline based on a superbending



        Proposers interested in technical details are asked to

        contact the beamline manager (Meitian Wang,


     b) For the proposal evaluation by the Proposal Review

        Committee, DUO Experimental Reports on previous

        experiments represent a very important input, and

        a missing experimental report may seriously affect

        the chances of acceptance. Proposers are asked to

        supply a separate experimental report for each

        experiment performed. Note that now also a co-proposer

        can input an experimental report.

     c) The SLS is part of the EU I3 initiative and we will

        be able to provide travel and accommodation support.

        Proposers interested in this support are asked to mark

        the corresponding box in the proposal. For further

        details please go to:



     For further information about proposal and / or experimental

     report submission please go to

     For further information about the SLS beamlines please go to

     report submission, please go to



     In case of questions, please contact the Users' Office at


     For the SLS Team

     Heinz J. Weyer 
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