Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the Ligand Recognition and Molecular Gating GRC will be held in Ventura, CA, 2-7 March 2008.

This Gordon Research Conference focuses on the structure and function of integral membrane proteins involved in transmembrane signaling (receptors) and transport of ions and small molecules across cell membranes (ion channels and transporters). The emphasis is on combining high resolution structures with functional and theoretical data to probe gating or activation by ligands of these proteins. We have an outstanding group of speakers and topics, including new structures of transporters, ion channels, and G-protein coupled receptors, as well as new functional results in each of these areas. We also have a continued emphasis on methods development.

The full program for the 2008 meeting of the Ligand Recognition and Molecular Gating GRC can be found at <>

This is really state-of-the-art membrane protein research, and some of the work to be presented was recently highlighted by Nature and Science as breakthroughs of the year.

The small size of this meeting provides an ideal forum for students and postdocs to learn about membrane protein structure and function from the experts.

Registration closes February 10, 2008. We hope to see you in California in March.

Best wishes,
Susan Buchanan, Chair (e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Carola Hunte, Vice Chair (e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Susan Buchanan
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
50 South Drive, Room 4503
Bethesda, MD  20892-8030
Phone: (+1) 301-594-9222
Fax: (+1) 301-480-0597

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