*nCNS* 1.0.0 software Release
Software *nCNS* version 1.0.0 has just been released. *nCNS* is a patch
for CNSsolve V1.1 <http://cns.csb.yale.edu/v1.1/>, combining for the
first time, global X-ray
crystallography, neutron crystallography and energy refinement with
cross-validated maximum likelihood refinement. *nCNS* can therefore be
used in an interoperable way for X-ray, neutron or joint X-ray/neutron
analyses of biological macromolecules.
Download from: http://mnc.lanl.gov/
*nCNS* is produced by the "Computational Tools for Macromolecular Neutron
Crystallography" (MNC) consortium between Los Alamos National Laboratory
and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory <http://www.lbl.gov>. Neutron
capabilities have also been
added to PHENIX <http://www.phenix-online.org>.
*nCNS* is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> as
published by the Free Software Foundation <http://www.fsf.org>; either
version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
The development of neutron computational tools for *nCNS* and
is funded by NIH-NIGMS grant (1R01GM071939).
Dr. Marat Mustyakimov
Bioscience Div. (B-8), MS M888
Los Alamos National Lab
Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
Phone: +1 505 6679376 Cell: +1 505 7098005 Fax: +1 505 6653024