Scientist Position in Protein Crystallography - Brazilian Synchrotron Light
Laboratory (LNLS)


LNLS is a 1.37 GeV synchrotron source located in Campinas, Brazil, at 90 km
NW from São Paulo. It is the only synchrotron laboratory in Latin America
and has two beam lines dedicated to Macromolecular Crystallography. Modern
facilities for recombinant protein production, crystallization and
spectroscopy are also available at the LNLS campus. 


A scientific position to be part of LNLS staff is now available in the
Protein Crystallography group. The LNLS is seeking a motivated scientist
with a strong background in macromolecular crystallography and an interest
in instrumentation and/or methodology. The successful candidate is expected
to conduct independent research and to supervise PhD students and post
doctoral fellows. The scientist will also work on the MX beam lines to
provide support to external users and to contribute to the continuous
improvement and upgrade of the beam lines. 



Candidates should have a PhD degree in structural biology, biochemistry or
related disciplines plus a post-doctoral experience in protein
crystallography. Candidates should be able to demonstrate their interest in
instrumentation and/or methodology related to macromolecular
crystallographic data collection and analysis. Experience of synchrotron
radiation beam lines (as an experienced user or beam line operator) is
desirable. Knowledge of crystallization techniques is an asset. 


Application letter and CV including the contacts of three referees should be
sent by email to  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Deadline for application: January 15th, 2008.



Selma Tsuda

Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory  - LNLS


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