Now the proper version, sorry for that!

Post-Doctoral position available Karolinska Insitute, Sweden
A post-doctoral position is available at the Department of Medical
Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. The
project deals primarily with overexpression, purification and
crystallisation of four receptors involved in inflammation, all of which are
key targets for drug development. A prospective candidate should have a
Ph.D. and should have a strong background in crystallisation, protein
purification and expression especially of membrane proteins. Subsequent
structure determination will be in collaboration with the group of Dr.
Marjolein Thunnissen, Lund University. MBB is one of the largest departments
at Karolinska Institutet equipped with a range of state-of-the-art
technologies in basic research, in particular proteomics, structure biology,
imaging, and animal models. It hosts world leading groups in areas such as
molecular neurobiology, matrix biology, vascular biology, redox regulation,
and lipid mediators of inflammation, which together create a vibrant
research environment.
Interested candidates should send a CV and letters of reference by either
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by normal post Prof J. Haeggstrom, MBB,
KI, S-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden.

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