Project Title: Novel Methods for Microcrystal Structure Determination at NSLS and NSLS-II
Location: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, U.S.A.
This new project is under the direction of A. M. Orville, and is also associated with the PXRR group ( at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). The PXRR group conducts research, technology development, operations, and training at six beamlines (X8, X12b, X12c, X25, X26c, X29) at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS). A long-term goal for the PXRR group is to create a resource for macromolecular crystallography at NSLS-II, the new synchrotron light source that is being created at BNL during the next five to seven years.
Microcrystals only a few microns along an edge are often easy to obtain; but, are typically of no use for traditional diffraction studies. In contrast, the brightness and focused beam anticipated at NSLS-II provides an ideal opportunity to use microcrystals for diffraction studies. A major barrier that remains to be overcome is how to manipulate microcrystals for structure determination. Part of the research strategy will be to use a large number of randomly oriented microcrystals, from each of which only a small fraction of the whole dataset is collected, in order to build-up the complete dataset. Full _expression_ of these methods may approach the physical limits of crystal diffraction and will clearly help motivate the optimum performance of NSLS-II. Consequently, we will develop novel microcrystallography methods at the NSLS and look forward to utilizing the outstanding characteristics of NSLS-II facility.
The position requires a Ph.D. in biochemistry, structural biology, chemistry, or physics. Experience in macromolecular crystallography and/or synchrotron x-ray sources is desired. The prospective candidate must be able to interact with a diverse group of scientists and engineers, as well as work independently. Send CV and contact information for four mentors or referees to [EMAIL PROTECTED] referring to Position No. FH4835.
Allen M. Orville, Ph.D.
Biology Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000
phone 631-344-4739
fax 631-344-2741