PhD in GPCR Signalling

In my laboratory at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology there are
PhD opportunities in structural biology of G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signalling.

We have outstanding expertise in 2D and 3D crystallisation of GPCRs. We are working on the structure of GPCRs and on GPCR signalling complexes with electron microscopy and micro crystallography.

This year we have solved the first structure of a recombinant GPCR
Standfuss, J., et al. (2007) Crystal structure of a thermally stable rhodopsin mutant.
J Mol Biol 372, 1179-1188

And in collaboration with Brian Kobilka we have solved the first structure of a Human beta 2 adrenergic receptor in complex with an antibody fragment. Rasmussen, S.G., et al. (2007) Crystal structure of the human beta(2) adrenergic G-protein-coupled receptor.
Nature Nature 450, 383-387

Home Page:

Application deadlines:
- EU/overseas application deadline: 14th December 2007

- UK application deadline: 4th January 2008

- LMB Cambridge Scholarship nomination deadline: 21st December 2007

Link LMB Funding

There are many more opportunities at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in other subject areas.

You can informally contact me directly.


Dr. Gebhard F. X. Schertler

Senior Scientist and Group Leader
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Cambridge CB2 0QH

tel          0044 1223 402328
fax         0044 1223 213556
e-mail   [EMAIL PROTECTED]      

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