It is worth adding a note that if you are remerging data it is also a
great idea to have "sdcorrection noadjust 1.0 0.0" somewhere in your
script so that the errors are not inflated a second time by the default
values (sdadd of 0.02) - I am pretty sure that this is necessary,
certainly seemed to be.

Yes, people appear to do this.

I hadn't been bitten by this one quite yet as I have been using
"ONLYMERGE RESTORE" with the SCALES file and rescaling / remerging the
data but without recalculating the scales. Seems like this wasn't as bad
an idea as I thought it was ;o)

Perhaps naming the SCALE columns differently when they have been applied
so that they are not reapplied would be a good idea, something like
SCALEUSED. This takes us back to the beginning of this thread, always

Having output of both merged and unmerged reflection files by default
could be a cause for some confusion if someone tries to take one of the
unmerged files and put it into truncate... Bang!



-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Phil Evans
Sent: 20 November 2007 15:51
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Unmerged output from Scala

If you don't put INSCALE OFF, the scales will be applied a second time &
you will get (much) worse data

I didn't know anyone was doing this

You should get the same statistics (Rmerge etc) if you reinput an OUTPUT

I'll look into how complicated it would be to write both files (but if
you have eg multi-wavelength you might get a lot of files out :-( )


On 20 Nov 2007, at 15:44, Frank von Delft wrote:

> Does it make a big difference if you *don't* have "INSCALE OFF"?  I 
> just notice I've been doing it for years.
> I use OUTPUT UNMERGED as well in my standard scaling script, in which 
> I run two scalas in sequence:  the first writes out the unmerged data 
> and scales, the second only merges.  The purpose is to have both 
> unmerged and merged data after I've scaled, the former
> for xprep, pointless etc, the latter for sharp, refinement, etc.   
> If scala could dump out both versions I wouldn't bother either.
> phx.
> Clemens Vonrhein wrote:
>> Hi Graeme,
>> even with these options (ONLYMERGE and SCALES CONSTANT) you will have

>> the SCALE column applied again to the intensities (not good) - at 
>> least that's how I understood Phil. You need to use
>> to use the already scaled intensities and avoid applying the SCALE 
>> column again - Phil was the one telling me that. I was scratching my 
>> head for a long time trying to understand those various 
>> INTIAL/ONLYMERGE/INSCALE/NOSCALE options and how they relate to each 
>> other ...
>> Cheers
>> Clemens
>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 08:07:02PM -0000, Winter, G (Graeme) wrote:
>>> Hi Phil,
>>>  I use this option but not these columns. The only time I feed the 
>>> file back I use "ONLYMERGE" and "SCALES CONSTANT", to remerge the 
>>> reflections.
>>>  Cheers,
>>>  Graeme
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Phil Evans
>>> Sent: Mon 19/11/2007 5:07 PM
>>> Subject: [ccp4bb] Unmerged output from Scala
>>> Is anyone using the OUTPUT UNMERGED option in Scala?
>>> This file contains columns called SCALE & SIGSCALE which are the 
>>> applied scale and its SD
>>> I propose to change the names of these columns  so that if you put 
>>> the file back into Scala the scales do not get re-applied by default

>>> (which is wrong since they have been applied already)
>>> Will this cause anyone problems? I suspect that very few people or 
>>> programs are using this file
>>> Phil Evans

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