Several Research Associate (team leader) and Post-doctoral positions in
 structural biology 
are available in the Chromatin biology and Epigenetic group at the
 Structural Genomics Consortium, 
University of Toronto. My group aims to characterize chromatin proteins
 involved in histone code 
"reading" and  "writing" by X-ray crystallography in combination with
 other biochemical and 
biophysical techniques, as part of the wider SGC effort on the human
Research  in my group is divided into three areas
1)Histone Code "Reading" Proteins (see Schuetz et al, EMBOJ, 2006; Min
 et al, NSMB, in press);
2)Histone Code "Writing" Proteins; and
3)Structure-Based Drug Discovery. 
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in structural biology, biochemistry,
biophysics, chemistry, or a related field with 0-4 years postdoctoral
 research experience. Interested candidates are 
invited to send their CV with 3 references to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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