EMBL Grenoble Staff Scientist : New SAXS Beamline on ID14-EH3 at the ESRF

Job description: A scientist is required to join a team within the Partnership for Structural Biology (EMBL, ESRF, ILL and IBS, http://psb.esrf.fr/) which is establishing a unique and integrated SAXS-SANS platform, making use of the intense synchrotron X-ray and neutron beams of respectively the ERSF and ILL. The successful candidate will be responsible for construction, commissioning and user support of a new state-of-the-art SAXS beamline, dedicated to biology, to be built on undulator beamline ID14-EH3 at the ESRF. The beamline will cater to the growing needs of the European structural biology community who wish to combine SAXS studies with crystallography and other techniques. He/She will benefit from strong technical support from the ESRF MX and Soft Condensed Matter groups and other ESRF services as well as the EMBL Grenoble diffraction instrumentation group. In addition there will be a strong collaboration with the SAXS scientists from the EMBL Hamburg Outstation both to transfer expertise and to provide test facilities during the conception and construction phase of the future SAXS beamline at Petra III in Hamburg. Beamline construction is expected to proceed rapidly from the beginning of 2008 and be completed within nine months.

*Qualifications and experience:* Applicants for this position are expected to hold a PhD in a related specialization, as well as have postdoctoral experience in instrumentation and software for small-angle scattering in physics, chemistry or biology, preferably at a synchrotron. At least some knowledge of, and demonstrable interest in, biology is required.

Commencing date: As soon as possible following the closing date
Contract: An initial contract of 3 years will be offered to the successful candidate.
This can be renewed, depending on circumstances at the time of review.
*Closing date*: 2 December 2007
*Outstation web page*: http://www.embl-grenoble.fr/
*Job advert web page*: http://www-db.embl.de/jss/servlet/de.embl.bk.emblGroups.JobsPage/07069.html

To apply, please email a curriculum vitae, three references and a
concise description of research interests and future plans quoting ref.
no. W/07/069 in the subject line, to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Informal enquiries to me
Stephen Cusack


Dr. Stephen Cusack,     
Head of Grenoble Outstation of EMBL
Group leader in structural biology of protein-RNA complexes and viral proteins
Joint appointment in EMBL Gene Expression Programme
Director of CNRS-UJF-EMBL Mixed Unit (UMR 5233) for Virus Host Cell 
Interactions (UVHCI)

Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
Website: http://www.embl.fr                     
Tel:    (33) 4 76 20 7238    Secretary (33) 4 76 20 7306                        
Fax:    (33) 4 76 20 7786 or (33) 4 76 20 7199                                  
Postal address:   EMBL Grenoble Outstation, 6 Rue Jules Horowitz, BP181, 38042 
Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Delivery address: EMBL Grenoble Outstation, Polygone Scientifique, 6 Rue Jules Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble, France

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