I am please to announce a distribution of some standard libraries for crystallography, provided in a standard, standalone form, suitable for modern package managers. The libraries can be installed via the GNU autoconf idiom: "configure; make; make install".

The gpp4 library is a version of the CCP4 library modified and packaged to provide a special version of the CCP4 library, released under the Lesser GNU Public License version 2.1. The last version of the CCP4 library covered by a free license was version 5.0.2. This version was patched by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve to address some of the more serious deficiencies of the older libraries.

It is this patched version of the CCP4 library that forms the basis for this distribution, which includes a GNU autotools build environment developed by Paul Emsley and Morten Kjeldgaard.

Further modification has been carried out to make the gpp4 library completely standalone so it does not require a parallel installation of the CCP4 suite.

The reason for creating this public fork of the CCP4 libraries is that several third party software distributions depend on the CCP4 libraries. Such projects can make use of the gpp4 library without restrictions.

Instructions for download, compilation and installation can be found at


Also available from the site are RPMs, Debian packages and Fink .info files to allow building fink packages for Mac OS X.

In addition, versions of Eugene Krissinels mmdb and ssm libraries have been packaged and modified so they can be compiled and installed in a standard manner with GNU auto building tools. These libraries can be found at


The ssm library requires mmdb. Also here, RPMs etc. can be downloaded.


Morten Kjeldgaard, asc. professor, MSc, PhD
Department of Molecular Biology, Aarhus University
Gustav Wieds Vej 10 C, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
Lab +45 89425026 * Mobile +45 51860147 * Fax +45 86123178
Home +45 86188180 * http://www.bioxray.dk/~mok

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