In ARP/wARP 7.0 there is a loop building program that will build only
Rama-sensible conformations.
Its mostly structure driven and not density driven, but:
I never dared to try it at 4.5 A though.
On 18 Oct 2007, at 20:55, seglynn wrote:
Dear CCP4ers,
I am attempting to build a short loop section into a low resolution
map (4.5A).
The electron density is clearly present but the low resolution is
making it
difficult to fit anything with sensible Ramachandran angles. Does
anyone know
of a program that will generate a series of potential loop
conformations that I
can compare against my map so that I can at least start with
geometries? I have already tried the Fit Loop algorithm in COOT
without success.
Many thanks
Steven Glynn