Hi Steve,
You should definitively follow Jürgen's suggestion and try to solve the
structure. If you could get an idea about the crystal packing it would
help you to optimize your DNA construct. This is often critical in
protein-nucleic acid crystallization. You could try to change the length
of your construct (e.g. +/- one nucleotide or base pair), introduce
single-base overhangs, vary the position of a binding site
(symmetric/asymmetric topology)...

Of course, you could also try some standard optimization procedures like
additive screening using a commercial kit or seeding.

Good Luck,

W.M. B. wrote:
> Dear All:
> My protein/DNA complex crystal diffracts to 3.2 A ( in-house source). It
> crystalized in 20% PEG 8K, NaCaCo 6.5. I tried to add ATP, CaCl2 and
> spermidine. The diffaction doesn't improve. Would you please give me
> some advice?
> Thanks a lot,
> Steve


Dr. Christian Biertümpfel
Laboratory of Molecular Biology

NIDDK/National Institutes of Health              phone: +1 301 402 4647
9000 Rockville Pike, Bldg. 5, Rm. B1-03          fax:   +1 301 496 0201
Bethesda, MD 20892-0580

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