Protein crystals smaller than 30 micrometers in diameter can be difficult to handle and produce weak diffraction. We have one 48 hour slot left in our Fall running schedule for microcrystallography. An 18 micrometer beam is an excellent way to improve signal by delivering photons only where they are needed. Our fully-enclosed helium cryostream, which operates during these special microcrystal time slots, can also dramatically increase the signal-to- noise ratio of weak data. ALS-style automounting is supported and a full set of tools and sample pucks is available for loan on request.

Even users with large crystals can sometimes benefit from microbeam. If you have difficult-to-separate clusters of crystals or inhomogeneous crystals with imperfections, microbeam can take advantage of small regions of good diffraction. Currently unit cells up to 250 Angstroms are supported.

Please contact Kathy Dedrick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for information on how to apply for microbeam time at MacCHESS f1 station.

Richard Gillilan
Cornell University

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