Hi Vineet,

I am not sure that you are defining things as expected in the CNS 
documentation. If you haven't
already, please read the CNS FAQ page with description of how to define and 
include alternate
side-chains for refinement.

In any case, I summarise the steps for you-
1. Run generate.inp with your pdb file. This will make, say, files start.pdb 
and start.mtf.

2. Next, run alternate.inp specifying which residues you want alternate 
side-chain conformations
for. This will give you, say, alt.pdb and alt.mtf. The alt.pdb file will 
contain the following
definitions: the 1st conformation as *AC1* and will list the 2nd conformer at 
the end of the file
with ID *AC2*. From the coordinates, you will see that CNS has simply made a 
copy of the side chains.

3. Copy the *AC2* conformations into a new pdb file since I found that the 
program 'O' seems to have
trouble recognizing AC2, if AC1 exists in the same pdb file. Don't know how 
Coot handles this. Read
this into O. Fix all AC2 to their correct conformation in O. Read out the 

4. Replace new AC2 conformations at the end of alt.pdb. Say, we call it 
alt_new.pdb. Use this pdb
file for refinement. Throughout refinement, you need to specify the new atom 
definitions in
minimize.inp and other input files.

{* select atoms in alternate conformation 1 *}
{===>} conf_1=(segid AC1 AND RESID 46);

{* select atoms in alternate conformation 2 *}
{===>} conf_2=(segid AC2 AND RESID 46);

5. Most importantly, use *alt.mtf* throughout this refinement cycle.

6. Also, make sure the occupancies for AC1 and AC2 are distributed - some folks 
split occu as 0.5
and 0.5. Some split it as 0.65 and 0.35. You may have other intelligent 
criteria to determine the

7. Remember, you need to carry out all of the above steps at every round of 
refinement. So, keep
alternate side-chain addition to the very final rounds of structure 

8. If it still remains a black box, switch to Refmac.

Hope that helps.

---------Included Message----------
>Hi all
>Sorry for a non CCP4 question.
>I m using CNS for structure refinement. The structure is having few residues
>in alternate confirmations. i can see the density for those alternate
>confirmations. i m defining those alternate confirmations in the pdb but
>while generating the topology file, the information of alternate
>confirmations is getting lost. how can i define the alternate confirmations
>in generate.inp n minimize.inp.
>the way i m defining the alternate confirmations in pdb :
>ATOM   6101  1N   LYS D  93    83.029  39.489  93.510  0.50 42.90    D    N
>ATOM   6101  2N   LYS D  93    83.028  39.495  93.498  0.50 42.90    D    N
>ATOM   6102  1CA LYS D  93    82.366  40.672  93.101  0.50 41.09    D    C
>ATOM   6102  2CA LYS D  93    82.391  40.686  93.075  0.50 41.09    D    C
>ATOM   6103  1CB LYS D  93    83.019  41.834  93.797  0.50 41.27    D    C
>ATOM   6103  2CB LYS D  93    83.119  41.836  93.691  0.50 41.27    D    C
>ATOM   6104  1CG LYS D  93    82.331  42.627  94.824  0.50 43.61    D    C
>ATOM   6104  2CG LYS D  93    82.419  42.747  94.517  0.50 43.61    D    C
>ATOM   6105  1CD LYS D  93    81.797  42.040  96.162  0.50 43.24    D    C
>ATOM   6105  2CD LYS D  93    82.004  42.209  95.769  0.50 43.24    D    C
>ATOM   6106  1CE LYS D  93    82.265  40.647  96.659  0.50 43.68    D    C
>ATOM   6106  2CE LYS D  93    80.982  43.099  96.495  0.50 43.68    D    C
>ATOM   6107  1NZ LYS D  93    82.884  40.390  97.999  0.50 43.36    D    N
>ATOM   6107  2NZ LYS D  93    80.832  44.665  96.562  0.50 43.36    D    N
>ATOM   6108  1C   LYS D  93    82.478  40.825  91.578  0.50 39.28    D    C
>ATOM   6108  2C   LYS D  93    82.477  40.826  91.567  0.50 39.28    D    C
>ATOM   6109  1O   LYS D  93    82.412  41.847  91.106  0.50 38.72    D    O
>ATOM   6109  2O   LYS D  93    82.408  41.844  91.093  0.50 38.72    D    O
>Thanks in advance
>vineet gaur
---------End of Included Message----------

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