Dear all

There is a vacancy in my lab for a biochemist. It's a 3-year position funded
by the UK BBSRC. The post is to provide a functional interpretation of
our structure determination (unpublished) of a large signalling complex
called the 'stressosome' from B. subtilis. Ideally, I'm looking for someone
who has solid experience of fluorescence/ITC/SPR and has good molecular
biology skills. There will be scope to learn some crystallography and
cryo-EM, but the focus of the post will be on the biochemistry of the
You can find further details:

Although the deadline is, in theory, Monday 24th, applications up
to 1st October will be considered.


R. J. Lewis
Professor of Structural Biology
Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Medical Sciences           Tel: +44 (0)191 222 5482
University of Newcastle               Fax: +44 (0)191 222 7424
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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